The art of Lucy Davis Phillips utilizes drawing, printmaking, and stop-animation techniques to explore people’s relationship to themselves, to each other, and to their surroundings. Phillips is inspired by the interplay between how individuals perceive themselves and how they are perceived by others. Her work emphasizes the shared experience of individuals by juxtaposing portraits of different people in a setting where they are all observing and interacting with each other. The individuals are simultaneously isolated from one another by geometric barriers, but also connected through recurring and cyclical patterns that weave through a piece. Phillips has recently embarked on several projects that utilize stop-animation as a means of exploring how the distortions of faces and the flow of colors and patterns can serve to dynamically express feelings.
2016 MFA, New York Academy of Art, New York, NY
2006 BFA, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Public Installations
2016 Let's Dance, Piedmont Triad International Airport, Greensboro, NC
Solo Exhibitions
2014 Patterns in a Lonely Crowd, Paul Mellon Arts Center, Wallingford, CT
2012 Concept Portraits, Whalen Druen Nash, New York, NY
2011 Paintings and Drawings, The Graystone Inn, Roaring Gap, NC
2006 Portraits, The Foxhole Gallery, Baltimore, MD
Group Exhibitions
2016 Flesh: Exercises Beyond Erotica, Voltz Clarke Gallery, New York, NY
2016 Art and Artisans, Roaring Gap, NC
2016 MFA Thesis Exhibition, New York Academy of Art, New York, NY
2012 - 2014 Jupiter Island Arts Day, Hobe Sound, FL
2010 - 2013 The Painting Group, New York, NY
2012 Two Person Exhibition, Two Generations: Face to Face, Theater Arts Gallery, High Point, NC
2012 The Wassaic Project, Wassaic, NY
2011 The Winter Show, Greenhill Art Center, Greensboro, NC
2009 Work Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2008 Art Students League, New York, NY
2007 Pratt in Tuscany, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
2006 Juried Show, MICA, Baltimore, MD
2006 Portrait Drawing, MICA, Baltimore, MD
2006 Commencement Exhibition, MICA, Baltimore, MD
2016 Artist in Residence, (T)here Magazine, New York, NY
2014 Scholar Merit Award, New York Academy of Art
Professional Experience
2016 Visiting Artist, American Academy in Rome
2014 Visiting Artist, American Academy in Rome
2006 - 2012 The Painting Group, New York, NY.
2011 Artist in Residence , Wassaic Project, Wassaic, NY
2008 Gallery Manager, Renaissance Studio, New York, NY
2008 Assistant Art Teacher, Go Project, New York, NY
2007 Assistant, Lillian Heidenberg Fine Art, New York, NY
2007 Intern, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
2006 Intern, National Portrait Gallery, Washington D.C.